Monday, March 31, 2014

Blessings from above...

First and foremost thank you Jesus! Our God is such a big God and I'm so thankful for his blessings in my life. As I have written in the past couple of post I have been at my very lowest point in my life for the last 6 months. Then, my precious child would run over and give me a huge hug, kiss, or say how much he loves me and I was brought back into the realm of things. I am beyond blessed to say God's not finished with me, and God knows I need to be here for my husband and son. Last Wednesday we had my surgery for my cone biopsy, which is where they remove a part of my cervix to see if the cancer cells are just on the outside tissue or if they have entered in my cervix. I was terrified leading up to the surgery and honestly didn't know how I was going to go through with it. I had a ton of people from all over praying for me and I promise you I felt every one last Wednesday morning and that's the only way I got through it. In the waiting room I told dad I really want to walk back out that door and I said but I can't cause the alternative is worse then the surgery. Steven was able to stay with me for my nerves during all the prep work. My blood pressure was a little high but given the stress of the last 6 months I'm praying it's about to get a lot lower! Mom and dad were able to come and sit with me for about 5 minutes before they took me back at 7:30. Every one if my nurses and doctors were amazing and so nice to me. I woke up around 9:30 and was released around 10. The pain I was in from Wednesday-Sunday was honestly worse then after my csection. Steven was able to be off on vacation days and help me and my mom and Katie have gone out of their way to help. By the way, a HUGE shout out to aunt Katie for keeping Hudson during my surgery and waking up at 4 to come be with him! Dr. Lacour told steven, mom, and dad that she actually had to take a smaller amount then she thought and everything went as planned. I was so positive after hearing the wonderful news. In the back of my mind I kept thinking the first biopsy was cin 2 then the leep was cin3 cis (stage 0 cervical cancer) only 2 months apart. I was terrified that if it had continued to progress where was my body at now? I had continually received bad news and was bracing myself for the worst. I called today since they said they would know Monday or Tuesday and they didn't have the results. I really prayed steven would be with me when I found out cause he is my rock that holds his fears in unlike me. Around 4:30 we were at SAU at the farm road seeing the animals before the storm and the nurse called and said pathology had just sent my report and what she took out was only cin 2 and my margins were clear, meaning it had not entered my cervix, and then the abnormal cells/tumors were also benign!!!!!!!!!!! Praise The Lord absolutely no cancer!!!! I rejoice in The Lord because there is no medical reasoning for this to happen, it is the work of my Lord and Savior!! The power of prayer is an amazing thing. I have been a Christian for 24 years this past Friday, and I have believed and seen many miracles I my life. I believe all Christians are allowed to hit the rock bottom I was at because it's were we find our faith, our relationship, and joy in the Father. We will be married 5 years this Friday and I'm 99% sure we are closer now to The Lord is closer then it's ever been. I ask you if you do not know The Lord please message me or any of your friends because this is the relationship and the joy you need in your life.  Don't get me wrong you will have sadness and experience the human acts of this world but you will have a Big, Big God that will never leave or forsake you! Thank you Jesus for loving me and thank you for allowing me to experience the rest of my earthly life with my boys! This is the journey and the chapter I will forever remember but rejoice in the truth.
Hold your love ones close and love them life there is no tomorrow, for tomorrow is never guaranteed. Make sure you love, forgive, forget, and pray like Jesus.
Goodnight and God bless you all.. I will forever be grateful for your role in the power of prayer.

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